GGACR/Sol Badguy

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Sol Badguy is a hard hitting, close-to-mid-range character who can either play a fundamentals gameplan structured around frame traps and counter-hits, or a wild style that leverages his riskier options. No matter the style, Sol rewards players with a good grasp of Reads.

Sol has decent footsies potential, but his party really starts once he is in close range — once he's close enough to make the opponent block 2PGGAC Sol 2P.pngGuard:
and 2SGGAC Sol 2S.pngGuard:
he can enforce his offense. Sol has wide cancel windows and flexible gatling options which let Sol create frame traps and mix up timings. If Sol can get the opponent to attack into a frame trap, or to take his command grab, Wild ThrowGGAC Sol 623K.pngGuard:
70 pixels
, then he gets to decimate their lifebar with his iconic SidewinderGGAC Sol j236H.pngGuard:
Until landing+13
Loops. These combos are very specific, but reward so handsomely that Sol normally routes into them.

Sol is usually played with one of two opposing ideologies. There's the fundamental Sol who leans into the frame traps and patience, and there's the "Kusoru" Sol — the Sol who uses hard reads and unexpected attacks like Riot StampGGAC Sol 214K.pngGuard:
9 after reaching wall
3 after landing
, Ground ViperGGAC Sol 214S-2.pngGuard:
Low×7, Mid
and more to overwhelm the opponent's mental stack, or die trying.

Whichever camp you might choose to side with, Sol has a few moves that are universally helpful. Volcanic ViperGGAC Sol 623S.pngGuard:
29+10 after landing
is a fantastic DPDragon Punch A move that has invulnerability during its startup, long recovery, and a rising motion. that allows Sol to disrespect and challenge gaps in the opponent's offense and force them to play around it. Gun FlameGGAC Sol 236P.pngGuard:
Total 50
, especially when paired with FRC, is a good projectile that rewards Sol greatly on counter hit and helps him re-buy his offense. Finally, Wild Throw gives Sol a rewarding way to crack an opponent who is content to hold his frame traps. Mastery of these tools, as well as his character specific combo routes, lets you pilot a powerful and expressive character.

GGACR Sol Badguy Nameplate.png
GGACR Sol Badguy Portrait.png
Damage Received Mod
Guts Rating
Gravity Mod
Stun Resistance
16F (1~8F Strike Invuln)
Wakeup Timing
53F (Face Up)/ 49F (Face Down)
Number of Jumps:
Number of Air Dashes:
Fastest Attack
5K (3F)
623S/H (7F/5F)
632146H (6F)

Sol Badguy is an aggressive, close-to-mid range character with a number of unconventional ways to open his opponent's defenses and subvert their attempts at zoning.

  • Slugger: Sol's close range options, such as 2P, +3 on block 2S, Volcanic Viper, and Wild Throw are scary tools. His frame traps and counter hit conversions are incredibly damaging in skilled hands and can usually score a knockdown to set up another favorable sequence.
  • Strong AbareAn attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it.: Sol has a lot of good ways to contest the opponent's advantage. Sol has staples such as a 3 frame anti-air 5K and Volcanic Viper, as well as tricky evasive options — 2D and Ground Viper are incredibly low profile, and Riot Stamp in the corner can catch people off guard by high profiling their attacks.
  • Scary Conversions: Sol is capable of getting great damage anywhere off of the majority of his starters. Even one of his riskiest options, Ground Viper, leads to such terrifying damage on clean hit that people can be forced to respect it.
  • Expanded Cancel Windows: 6P, 2H, 6H, 2D, and j.D can be cancelled during their recovery frames, which can be used to bait a response and punish with a frametrap.
  • Slippery: Sol has a variety of options that can make him quite hard to pin down. j.P and j.H shrink his hurtbox drastically, which make anti airing a struggle for most characters. This is only complemented by Riot Stamp and Grand Viper, which allow sol to Low CrushA move that avoids low attacks. The move might pull your hurtbox up a bit so it avoids attacks that are low to the ground. In games with attack attributes such as Blazblue this is done with Foot attribute invulnerability. and Low ProfileWhen a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. respectively. To cap this off, Sol's air hurtbox is also notoriously difficult for many characters in the cast to combo.
  • Unimpressive Okizeme: Although his reward for landing a combo can be quite high, Sol's actual mixup game isn't particularly special. A lot of his scariest pressure ties into frame traps and punishing the opponent's decisions. Outside of frame traps, Sol usually relies on basic safe jumps or FRC Gunflame to help keep the pressure on.
  • Funky Neutral: In order to bypass the pokes of characters with better footsies, Sol may have to lean on riskier approach options. Fortunately, the reward for being correct is suitably high.
  • Limited Blockstring Pressure: Sol will generally need to spend meter to keep the heat on, and will tend to prefer going for the mixup fairly quickly.

Unique Mechanics

Clean Hits

Clean Hits

Some of Sol's moves gain improved properties if they hit the opponent in specific places.
Clean hits are calculated by checking if Sol's attack hits a conceptual box (colloquially known as the Clean Hit Box). This "box" is actually just a distance/height check relative to both characters' origin point—the exact center of their collision box, aligned along the bottom edge. The size and offset of this box is different per move, but the offset from the opponent's origin point is always 170 pixels above their origin point. For sidewinder it's 227 pixels above Sol's origin point, with 155 pixels in width, and 42 pixels in height. Every time a clean hit is performed within a combo, the height and width of the Clean Hit Box shrinks by 5 pixels—down to a minimum of 1 pixel.

Contrary to conventional knowledge, characters do not have unique Clean Hit Boxes. It simply feels like they do because hitstun sprites are not consistently placed relative to their origin point.

Moves with Clean Hit properties:

  • Sidewinder: Doubled untechable time. Damage increases with the number of Clean Hits per combo. The cornerstone of Sol's most damaging bread and butter combo.
  • Ground Viper: Increased untechable time, leads to a full combo. Launches higher.
  • Bandit Bringer: Floats slightly higher, increased untechable time.
  • Force Break Fafnir: Floor slides as opposed to regular knockdown. Full conversions near the corner.

Force Break Tyrant Rave: Does not have a clean hit, but gains a damage boost based on clean hit count similarly to Sidewinder.

Clean Hit Bonus Damage Formula: 25+(30+Number Of Clean Hits)x3+84

Starter Guide

Need help getting started? Go to this page for information targeted at new players. It covers easy combos, key moves, and what to do after you knock the opponent down.

StartupThe time before an attack is active. Written startup values include the first active frame, so the startup on a frame chart will display one less square than the written value. Frames
ActiveThe active frames of an attack refers to the amount of time an attack can hit the opponent. Frames
InactiveFrames in the middle of multi-hit attacks which cannot hit the opponent, but are after the move has become active at least once. Frames
RecoveryThe recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking. Frames
Special RecoveryThe recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action.Recovery frames which happen under abnormal conditions, such as after landing. Frames
ProjectileIndicates an entity that exists separately from the character has become active. Usually something like a FireballA projectile which usually travels slowly across the screen in a horizontal path above the ground.. Active
CancelA window in which to cancel a move. Can be varied in usage. Window

Normal Moves

GGACR Sol Badguy Normal Icon.png   Normal
GGACR Sol Badguy DI Icon.png   Dragon Install


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
10 Mid 4 4 6 0
Total: 13

Standard jab and occasional poke, overall a pretty niche tool in Sol's kit. Useful for frame traps, tick throws, weird anti-airs, etc.

  • Better than average startup. Can tag a lot of beefier moves during their startup or cooldown.
  • Strong burst bait tool due to its overall low recovery time and jump cancel.
  • Whiffs on crouching Millia, Faust, and May. Leads to whiff > throw setups.

Establishes offense. Gatling into it from 2P > 2K, if the opponent has been conditioned to block high in reaction to standing animations.

Gatling Options: 5P, 2P, 6P, 5K, 2K, c.S, f.S, 2S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
14×2 Mid 3 2,6 13 -7
Total: 23

Privileged 3F normal that does it all: anti-air, abare, punishes, and active enough to catch backdashes on reaction or OS.

  • Works as a frame trap tool after Sol does a safe poke.
  • Preferred normal to OS with Sol's throw.
  • Note: a large chunk of the cast can crouch under the second hit, especially when hit or blocked from farther out.

On air hit, 5K is confirmed from with 2H or a j.P/j.K into a sidewinder loop or an aircombo into VV knockdown. On air CH, 5K has enough hitstun to combo to Sidewinder from an IAD j.S or j.D with stricter timing.

Gatling Options: 6P, c.S, f.S, 2S, 5H, 2H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
30 Mid 5 2 12 0
Total: 18

Sol's main punish starter for meterless and non-counter hit combos. Versatile gatlings from all of Sol's lower level buttons, useful mid combo as a confirm/filler/stopping point.

  • Recovers quickly enough that 5K(1) > c.S lets you confirm a hit or a burst.
  • Leans forward during startup, letting Sol move past some hitboxes depending on spacing. (Importantly, the Dead Angles of I-No, Bridget, Faust, and Pot.)
  • 0 on block with very little pushback, amazing tick throw tool.
  • Can be delay-canceled for hit confirming and tight frame traps.

Can lead to Dust Loops, Sidewinders, and TK Bandit Revolvers. Mid-corner combo against airborne opponents, can be jump canceled into a j.D for a high damage Sidewinder or Dust Loop. In the corner, you'll usually start your loops with c.S > 6P.

Gatling Options: 6P, f.S, 2S, 5H, 2H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
30 Mid 7 1 24 -11
Total: 31

Extremely fast for its range, f.S is good for gaining initiative round start or establishing offense in neutral.

  • Confirms into 5H or FB Fafnir from max range, gaining positional advantage or some moderate poke damage.
  • Don't get any new routes on a grounded counter hit but on an air counter hit it will combo into Bandit BringerGGAC Sol 236Khold.pngGuard:
    9+4 after landing
  • Gatling into 2S makes f.S > 2S pressure very safe and lets Sol make his way in.
  • For meter, converts at a decent range leads to 5H > Fafnir, can go into Tyrant Rave for some extra damage.

Be careful, Sol extends his hurtbox on the first frame. Active only for one frame and is easily backdashed, but can be preemptively canceled to 2S to make it safer.

Gatling Options: 2S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
40 Mid 11 2 26 -9
Total: 38

Slower, long ranged poke, punish, and combo tool that leads to big damage on counter hit. Difficult to contest.

  • Combos into Grand Viper up close or from a long-range counter hit, leading to Sidewinder Loops.
  • Confirms into (FB) Fafnir to let Sol get in from midscreen.
  • Can frame trap out of 6P's extended cancel window.

On CH against standing opponents, leads to Instant Air Dash > j.S > stuff > Sidewinder Loop, Confirms into Bandit Bringer against most crouching opponents, though Grand Viper remains the most reliable combo afterward. 5H goes into (SJ)IAD j.P or j.K against airborne opponents, or after a confirm of xx > 6P > 5H when the 6P is landed somewhat close. Just don't get predictable with airdash pressure.

Gatling Options: 2H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
17 High 24 3 24 -13
Total: 50

Decent damage combo starter, but awful range, and slow and easily reactable, despite being one of the fastest 5Ds in the game. Sol's only grounded overhead.

  • Leads to significant damage and a knockdown, especially with an Impossible Dust.
  • Horrid range, very unsafe, and huge CH state window. Keep meter on hand to cancel it.

Don't get predictable. 5D's range is only slightly farther than Wild throw and it is highly telegraphed.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
32 Mid 11 3 20 -9 1~8F, 14~21F Upper Body
9~13F Above Knees
Total: 33

Prime corner combo launcher and counter hit fishing button, 6P beats out many poke attempts and confirms from nearly anywhere on counterhit.

  • Mid level hitting gut punch which beats many standing buttons. Blows back on hit. Major frame trap button with many gatling options.
  • Can be cancelled at any point during its recovery.
  • Niche Anti Air.

Vital in frame traps but loses to many lows and low profile moves, pay attention to your spacing and timing. Despite this, with the rewards, you should expect to be using this move a lot.

Gatling Options: c.S, f.S, 2S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
32×2 Mid 13 5,1 30 -14
Total: 48

Occasional ranged button, High-risk high-reward (on CH) Anti-Air. Not particularly strong by itself.

  • Decent stun and damage, but ends your combo without meter.
  • Cancel window lasts until the end of recovery for late frame traps.
  • Pushes Sol's hurtbox pretty far forward, CH state for the whole move.
  • Has a difficult confirm into Grand Viper if it counters on the first hit.

6H will get counter hit very easily if used poorly. It is more difficult to contest in the air though, so air CH confirms lead to Bandit Bringer. Be very cautious about using this move.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
8 Mid 5 4 4 +2
Total: 12

Starts pressure, frame traps, tick throws, and can be used to mash out. Strong, safe, all-around short range tool.

  • Safe to 95% of reversals when properly meatied.
  • Can be OS'd with [2P]~5K/c.S/2H for confirms and baits.

2P mostly sees its use as an oki tool and pressure starter. It is occasionally used in relaunches, OS'd with 2H or c.S to bait bursts.

Gatling Options: 5P, 2P, 6P, 5K, 2K, c.S, f.S, 2S, 5H, 2H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
12 Low 6 3 8 -1
Total: 16

Sol's fastest and main low poke. Also useful for faster tick throws or frame traps.

  • Tags people standing or attempting to fuzzy jump.
  • Gatlings into 2H for a Grand Viper conversion.
  • Frame traps into 6P or a late c.S/f.S. Strong natural frame trap in 2K > 2S.

Fairly standard low poke tool, but active enough to serve as a safe meaty. Can still net 200 damage off of this by converting to 2D > FB Fafnir.

Gatling Options: 6P, c.S, f.S, 2S, 2H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
25 Mid 10 3 8 +3
Total: 20

Decent range, fairly active, very disjointed, low recovery time, and +3 on block make this an excellent hitconfirm blockstring ender, neutral button, and baiting tool.

  • Strong low reaching poke due to hitbox/hurtbox ratio.
  • Links into P and K normals and c.S on late hits.
  • OS: 5P/2P/2K > 2S is a natural frame trap on block, will combo on hit. Also works if delayed from 5K.

Discourages button pushing when properly spaced. Timing 2S ambiguously on oki especially is very tricky to defend against and can give you information on the opponent's mindset.

Gatling Options: 5H, 2H, 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
36 Mid 8 6 26 -13
Total: 39

High reaching upwards swing which gives you a day and a half to confirm on counter hit. Sol's main relaunch tool.

  • Beats many moves and scores CH due to the strong hitbox. Trades in Sol's favor most of the time. Burst safe if followed with BB or jump cancelled on CH.
  • Fast enough to combo off of level 1 buttons.
  • Special cancel window extends into its recovery frames.
  • Can be OS'd with 5P/2P to bait bursts mid combo.
  • On counter hit, a Bandit Bringer will convert, and will whiff and recover if they burst.

Can work as a risky preemptive anti-air, and late frame trap tool. Nightmarish meaty if they feel like rolling the dice. 2H is strong, but don't whiff it.

Gatling Options: 5D, 2D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
28 Low 7 3 20 -6 4~23F Low Profile
Total: 29

Amazing: mid-ranged, low profile sweep which can go under 80% of moves in the game, even during pressure. Your best friend.

  • Can go under bursts, Stun Edges, Johnny ranged pokes, other sweeps, etc. Will even score counter hits against some jump-ins.
  • Special cancel window extends into its recovery frames.
  • A CH can be hit-confirmed into a slight or no mash Grand Viper CL on the entire cast, leading to some of your highest damaging combos.
  • Near-corner conversions into FB Fafnir when too far for regular meterless juggles to work.
  • Can combo to Clean Hit Grand Viper on normal hit against Jam, Bridget, Millia, and Kliff.
    • Further applies to May and Baiken near the corner, or if 3 or more hits precedes the 2D.

Leads into Bandit Revolver RC for a conversion. Also does a strong, unburstable kill combo by going straight into Tyrant Rave ver.Beta.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
13 High/Air 5 7 4
Total: 15

One of Sol's best and most annoying tools. Fast, general use air normal with a very active hitbox, and which shrinks Sol's hurtbox, letting it beat a lot of moves.

  • Good for airdash pressure due to its gatling options. Staggered self cancels can be used to bait bursts.
  • Can let Sol sneak past and/or clash with some Anti Airs due to the hurtbox change.
  • Easy, if scaled, confirms off of things like Gunflame.
  • Leads to burst safe, character specific Sidewinder setups.

The hurtbox shrinkage can let you do lower airdash crossup setups. Vital in Sol's difficult SJIAD combos.

Gatling Options: j.P, j.K, j.S, j.H


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
22 High/Air 6 6 17
Total: 28

Mainly horizontal. Useful for covering air backdashes or air-to-air out of a backwards jump. Better defensively than offensively.

  • Mostly for filler in SW loops, especially when scaling is too high for j.S/H/D to connect.
  • Occasionally useful in airdash pressure. Be careful as it will whiff on some crouchers.

Useful with j.P or j.S. Works sparingly if intentionally whiffed mid-string into land > grab, or late after a j.P to catch them trying to hit buttons. Try not to whiff it.

Gatling Options: j.P, j.S, j.D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
28 High/Air 9 3 23
Total: 34

Main safe jump tool. Passable jump-in

  • Primary combo tool for Sidewinder Loops
  • Occasionally works as a crossup out of a backwards airdash.
  • Leads to, and works as a fuzzy guard tool, converts against non-short characters with meter to RC.

Don't get 6P'd. Landed as a crossup, converts into land > c.S/f.S > 5H > Fafnir. Try cancelling into an RC'd VV while airborne to go for something tricky, like VV RC airdash j.S.

Gatling Options: j.K, j.H, j.D


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
24×2 High/Air 9 6,8 0
Total: 22

0 Recovery frames. Weird hurtbox. Lingers for forever. Pseudo-God Normal.

  • The shrunken hurtbox can make this outright impossible to Anti-Air with some moves.
  • Links into any jumping normal on hit.
  • Hit meaty and high enough off the ground, Sol can airdash immediately afterwards for an airdash mixup.
  • Hit meaty and low enough off the ground, strong mixup between it's second hit or land 2K.

Very difficult to contest in any regular fashion. Useful in Sidewinder conversions. The recovery makes opponents tear out their hair. One of Sol's most used air options.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
40 High/Air 9 7 10+5 after landing
Total: 30

Large, damaging move with abnormally high untechable time that loops into itself, for the titular Dust Loop.

  • Launches on hit (and wallbounces on counter hit), which is useful in airdash and corner combos, can convert into delayed Sidewinders for optimal damage.
  • Fullscreen conversions on counter hit due to wallbounce.
  • Can lead to a fuzzy guard setup (too or from), can be the fuzzy guard attack against Potemkin, Eddie, Johnny, Anji, and Justice.

Partially responsible for Sol's obscene damage output. Works with 5 in a row in one combo with a 3-hit prior starter. Teyah them to death.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
60 43 pixels

Average throw. Unspectacular unless done in the corner. Should be OS'd with 5K, or sometimes c.S.

  • Only knocks down 25% of the cast by itself. Leads to free conversions in the corner against the other 75% with 5K.
    • Bandit Revolver loop leads to 15-20% damage, more meter, and knockdown.
    • Sidewinder Loop does similar damage with [5K > j.P > j.K/j.S] or [5K > 6P > 2H > j.S/j.D] > SW.

Compared to Wild Throw, it's faster, safer (when OS'd), and is a reversal, but doesn't have WT's conversions or knockdown.

Air Throw

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
60 88 pixels

A decent air throw that knocks down. Can convert in the corner, or with meter.

  • Doesn't lock the opponent's burst, but is absolutely burst safe unless done right off the ground.
  • Converts in the corner to 5K > BR/SW Loop/whatever, or (f.S) > FB Fafnir from midscreen or near the corner for a knockdown and some decent damage.
  • On CH floats higher. Allows easy midscreen conversions.

Dead Angle Attack

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
25 All 11 3 25 -14 1~13F All
14~33F Throw and Upper Body
Total: 38

Average, unsafe guard reversal. Overall subpar compared to Sol's other defensive options.

  • Uses 6P animation, so it can still be low profiled.
  • Can convert in the corner on counter hit or if hit on the last active frame.
  • Loses to very low profile moves: Grand Viper, Stroke the Big Tree, etc.

Special Moves

Gun Flame


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
50→42→30→30 All 21 9×2,6×2 Total 50 -3
Total: 50

Ground hugging, very active flame projectile integral to Sol's pressure and oki game. Active for long enough that when dropped on them on oki, they must either block or attempt a reversal.

  • Will cover Sol's approach with an FRC. This FRC also resets pressure and Sol's position when done close enough.
  • Does high damage in combos, especially in the corner.
  • Can be jumped over, but the FRC lets you react and catch them.
  • Counter hit state for the entire duration, making the FRC vital. Note: When GF is cancelled into, the FRC window will be delayed mid-string due to hit/blockstop.
  • Advanced tech: Gunflame can be combo'd into against a grounded, crouching opponent, by cancelling into GF from a level 5 move, FRC'ing it, and linking an, at slowest 5F normal before the Gunflame goes active. E.g: xx > 2H > GF FRC > 5P > (GF hits) > xx

Very useful tool when used properly. Must be spaced closely to prevent jump outs and allow Sol back in safely mid pressure, but sharper opponents will recognize and reversal through this.

Gun Flame Feint


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
8 Mid 13 2 31 -9
Total: 45

Fake Gunflame. Has a hitbox for some reason.

  • Can make some bigger moves safer on block, or trick the opponent into thinking that you'll Gunflame.
  • Can be whiffed to build meter from afar.
  • Used sparingly, can frighten opponents at the end of blockstrings into another setup.

Not particularly useful with the hitbox attached, as it's counter hit state for the entire move. Best used when farther away for ambiguity. Killing with this OTG is extreme disrespect.

Volcanic Viper

623S or 623H

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
623S 20, 36 Mid 7 3(3)11 21+10 after landing -28 1~9F All
10~13F Strike
623H 20, 36 Mid 5 2(3)18 29+10 after landing -43 1~6F All
7~11F Strike
Total: 54
Total: 66

Godly DP with a massive hitbox. The greatest. Ever.

623S: Lower to the ground version.

  • Can be canceled into the followup kick on whiff to mix up Sol's recovery timing. Converts to knockdown about 95% of the time.
  • Leads to a full conversion if the first hit is RC'd, or if the 2nd part counter hits.
  • Tied for the slowest version of the move at 7F, but with some of the most invulnerability.
  • Note - all grounded versions: must be jump installed in order to airdash or double jump on RC.
  • Used to anti-air in situations where no other anti-air works.

Breaks through even the smallest gaps. Using the knockdown kick sets up oki, but on whiff/block, the followup puts you in CH state. Commands respect in order to be completely baited.

623H: Massive DP version. Big Anti-Air callout, unrivaled in combined speed and vertical reach. Eats up the sky.

  • Slightly faster and more damage than the S version.
  • Similarly converts if the 1st hit is RC'd or the 2nd part counter hits.
  • Can be difficult to punish if done with running momentum: some characters lack the means to reach Sol without meter.
  • Leniency to the followup is slightly more difficult, and must be delayed a bit.

Air Volcanic Viper

j.623S or j.623H

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
j.623S 36, 24 All 5 2(3)9 Until landing+10 1~9F Strike
j.623H 46, 26 All 5 2(3)18 Until landing+10 1~9F Strike

j.623S: Easy air combo ender. Has the most leniency into combo'ing into the followup kick of any air VV.

  • Also works as an air reversal, but is air blockable without FD, and is only strike invuln.
  • Completely cuts Sol's air momentum when you RC the first hit, leading to airdash mixups or continued strings on block.
    • This RC will make Sol fall straight down. You can TK this move and RC it immediately, and with some very tight timing, you can tag an opponent with a quick overhead before you hit the ground...
  • Can convert to longer combos if the first hit is RC'd.

j.623H: Situational air knockdown tool with slight more damage. Higher reaching aerial VV, but not as high as the grounded version.

  • Can get air knockdowns sometimes where j.SVV wouldn't, particularly on lighter characters.
  • Also air blockable without FD.
  • Lacks the same leniency to the followup as the ground H version.
  • Similarly to j.SVV, cuts air momentum when RC'd on the first hit.


Volcanic Viper > 214K

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
16 High 12 4 Until landing+10

Used after VV to score a knockdown, or delay Sol's descent, throwing off an opponent's punish timing..

  • Deceptively large hitbox. Can tag players pressing the wrong button.
  • Use wisely on VV getting blocked/whiffing, as Sol is put in CH state.
  • Hits overhead, but won't tag anybody this way.
  • Will occasionally hit players pressing a button after VV.

Note that against heavyweight characters, Knockdown will whiff after some grounded versions of VV, depending on whether it was normal or counter hit. Know your matchups!

Bandit Revolver

236K (Air OK)

Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
236K 24, 36 Mid 9 5(11)9 2+7 after landing -3 1~3F Strike
j.236K 22, 20×2 All 6 3(14)4,2 Until landing+12
Total: 42

Primary BnB knockdown tool, and catches players upbacking/fuzzy jumping without FD.

  • Leads to a safejump setup on knockdown.
  • Minute startup invul can make it a pseudo-reversal.
  • Keeps opponents grounded, though throw punishable if blocked standing.
  • Use caution: the second hit is unsafe on hit if the opponent is (still) grounded.

Combo filler for high meter gain, and tool for shooting across the stage.

  • Converts stray air hits into longer combos.
  • Loops from 5K and c.S, mainly for corner carry and meter gain.
  • Can be FRC'd before going active to propel Sol forward.
  • Second hit has extended untech time, allowing for longer BR loops and KDs where the 3rd hit would make it impossible.
  • FRC also used to extend aerial pressure strings, combos, or set up mixups.

Main conversion tool out of farther hitting j.Ds where SW Loop isn't possible. When close to the opponent, can be TK'd to start a longer combo. Tends to have more utility between moves than as a move by itself.

Bandit Bringer


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
50 High/Air 32 6 9+4 after landing +1 1~3F Strike
Total: 50

Button check and big, slow overhead. Slightly plus, big damage combo tool.

  • Goes over a lot of things very, very slowly.
  • Will crossover and whiff crouching opponents that are too close.
  • Large ground bounce makes conversions extremely easy.
    • Works best off of Gunflame FRC in the corner, works off of max-range, crouching CH 5H against most of the cast.
  • Has a Clean Hit, with no forced prorate.

Occasional FRC use leads to unusual mixups. Can also be RC'd on contact if Jump Installed for an airdash mixup. This move can work well to catch some fuzzy backdash attempts, and it can be very hard for some characters to 6P. As a result, one must usually IB Airthrow it or risng j.P in orther to beat it, IB Throw works depending on the range.

Fun Fact: Bandit Bringer will clean hit on crouching Kliff and Zappa, but Faust can crawl under it.

Riot Stamp


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
40 High/Air 9 after reaching wall 3 after landing -4~

Silly overhead transport attack. One of Sol's weirder attacks, but can be useful to surprise your opponent if they aren't ready for it, allowing to get in or an occasional conversion. On the other hand, this move is infamously easy to 6P, which can lead into a full combo on a good number of the cast. Don't throw this move out like it's nothing or you'll explode.

  • Hits on 14F when cornered, but will push out a lot of the cast and go right over some of them crouching. Starts higher off the ground the further you do it from the corner.
  • Airborne on frame 1. That and the high profile will get you out of Dodge against low hitting moves or against characters with limited air knockdowns (very good vs Dizzy fish setups for example)
  • Doesn't normally lead to anything on hit, but full conversion on midscreen counter hit.
  • Can be FRC'd right before it goes active to fake into a low, or right as it hits (if early enough) for unusual conversions, this requires your back to be to the corner though.
  • Auto Jump Install's on FRC allowing you to airdash after.
  • 6P bait. Don't do it fullscreen or you're going to die.

Wild Throw


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
30 70 pixels 4 1 31
Total: 35

Great command grab with average command throw range but great startup. Sol's main mixup tool.

  • Full, damaging conversions from anywhere on stage.
  • Has burst safe setups with FB Sidewinder, with free easy resets if they take the bait.
  • Also has character specific, meterless burst safe setups.
  • Only in CH state for a short segment of its recovery.

Makes people wince when it lands. Meterless conversions can do 25%-55% damage. Usually followed with dash (2H) > j.D > SW loop.

  • Some meterless burst safe followups include:
    • IAD j.S > Sidewinder > (empty jump) SW loop
    • 2H > late j.H/Burst Throw OS
    • late j.H/block OS > SW loop

Ground Viper


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
8×7, 32 Low×7, Mid 17 4×4,2×2,5(20)3 37 -21 1~4F Above Knees
5~16F Above Feet
Total: 101

Ground Viper (Also sometimes called Grand Viper) is a Fast, instant–low–profile, advancing attack. These properties, combined with the disgusting damage on clean hit makes it a strong tool which can function both defensively and offensively. The unconventional input can be tricky to learn on certain controllers, but is worth mastering.

  • Number of hits changes depending on how many directions/buttons are pressed during the move.
  • Cannot be RC'd if the current hit did not make contact.
  • To use multiple hits, alternate between forward and back while mashing buttons
  • Can combo after close-range 5H/2H, but bursts will make a mashed GV whiff when not in corner, except for Kliff's.
    • Alternatively, you could alternate between down back and down forward, or up back and up forward
  • For a detailed look at this move, see this tutorial video

How low profile is Ground Viper? Imagine low profile enough to go under 75% of moves in the game, and then go lower.

  • Baiken's FB TatamiGGACR Baiken 236K Hitbox 1.pngGuard:
    Total 47
  • Venom's Dark AngelGGAC Venom 214236S Hitbox.pngGuard:
  • Johnny's 2DGGXXACPR Johnny-2D-1-Hitbox.pngGuard:
  • Burst, which can score a powerful reset in the corner



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
40 Mid 19 3 27 -13
Total: 48

Slow, lunging punch, max range conversion tool and situation reset (mainly off of 5H). Gets Sol in more safely when combo'd into. Does not inflict a Clean Hit like with FB Fafnir.

  • Staggers on hit while moving Sol forward, putting him closer to his optimal range.
  • Cancels into FB Tyrant Rave for bigger damage with only 25 meter.
  • Leads to bigger confirms with an RC.
  • Can frame trap (with a wide window) due to its startup.

Most useful for getting Sol in from a faraway hit. Can combo afterward if the opponent is asleep and doesn't shake out of stagger. Slides on counter hit, but the recovery is far too high for a conversion. Not great in neutral. Exercise caution: fast mashers can recover from stagger fast enough to recover before Sol.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
35 High/Air 9 4 Until landing+13

Big flaming punch, wallbouncing staple combo move. with ludicrous damage output. Satisfaction Maximum, Guaranteed.

  • Requires precision: must Clean Hit in combos. Consecutive Clean Hits raise the base damage of following Sidewinders in a single combo.
  • Correct use leads to high damage, knockdown, and slight corner carry, from anywhere on screen.
  • Fully wallbounces on Counter Hit: occasionally useful in neutral or as a punish.
  • Can usually be looped 2-3 times midscreen, or 2-5 times near the corner, and still retain knockdown.

Standard SW loops repeat [j.S/j.H(1) > SW] x N. The jump direction is character and screen-specific, and will usually require some improvisation on top of practice, as many variables such as camera position as well as your relative height will influence the launch. Empty jump Sidewinders also work, and do more damage as well as being burst safe. Bring the pain.

Force Breaks

FB Fafnir


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
60 Mid 11 3 17 +7 1~10F Throw
Total: 30

Fast, throw invincible sucker punch which knocks down. Much stronger version of regular Fafnir that's also Level 6 on block.

  • Has some invincibility on Sol's front leg, can low crush. Beats throws until startup
  • Scores knockdown at ranges too far for any other conversions.
  • Slides on Counter Hit or Clean Hit (works from 6P or 2D, or against jump out attempts), and converts to full combos a little over half the screen away.
    • Leads to f.S 5H IAD combos, slight mash Grand Viper, or dash up relaunches, spacing dependent. Very useful as a delayed Frame Trap tool.
  • Note: will whiff against crouchers off of max range 5H, due to opponent hurtboxes.

Tyrant Rave

41236H or 41236D > 64D

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
25×3, 84 All 3+1 33 35 -6
Total: 71

A version of Sol's original Tyrant Rave from GG1 and X. Big damage combo ender and chip kill move. Only costs a quarter.

  • Large hitbox, multi hit move which is difficult to contest or punish.
  • Generally sacrifices knockdown unless the final hit whiffs, which can be accomplished by crossing under with the fafnir and hitting them behind you
  • Damage increases with Clean Hits, makes for a powerful damage ender after even only 2 reps.
  • Converts to 5K in the corner off of short combos.
  • Strong for closing out rounds or scaring opponents due to damage output.

Even simple combos in the corner such as xx > [6P > Fafnir] * 3 or looped GF FRC BB into Fafnir > TR can do over 270 damage.

A max range FB Fafnir into this midscreen will whiff, but the last hit will land if they burst. Can lead to airthrow tech traps in the corner if they tech afterwards.

FB Sidewinder


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
60 High/Air 9 4 Until landing+13

Guaranteed Clean Hit Sidewinder, even on block. A godsend.

  • Gives Sol easier, and otherwise impossible combo conversions.
  • Hit from max range, it becomes burst safe.
  • Works as a punish on non-counter-hit as well.
  • Scales harder than regular Sidewinder for lowered damage output.

Starts or maintains Sidewinder Loops that might have otherwise been impossible, netting clean hits from afar while being burst safe at farther ranges. Works for all sorts of burst safe setups. The damage difference is fairly negligible later in combos. Never drop a Sidewinder Loop again.


Tyrant Rave ver. Beta


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
80, 60 Mid, All 5+1 11(17)15 31 -15 1~8F Strike
Total: 79

High, immediate damage cash out. Blows out your speakers.

  • Big hitbox reversal option. 1F post flash, so if they're dashing at you they're boned.
  • Knocks down full screen, untechable wallstick near the corner.
  • Combos into 5K when you're in the corner, and Grand Viper from a bit farther out.
  • Done from 2D or 5H as a punish, you get a quick, unburstable combo unless they burst immediately.
  • Can be done to bursts on reaction to blow through them for a big reset.
  • Pushes the opponent out fairly far, can be difficult to punish, but can be tagged between hits.

Has its plusses but TR is generally an inferior reversal to VV RC. RC'in the first hit on block can lead to mixups like dash in Wild Throw.

Dragon Install


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
19+1 Total 20 1~19F All

Extremely risky install super which is rarely worth the drawbacks. Buffs Sol's moves by making them faster and giving some additional effects.


  • Acts as a reversal and screen freeze.
  • Sol gains access to Slam, an extremely fast and safe overhead.
  • S and H normals have their recovery cut enough that other normals can be linked after dashing.
  • More gatlings and jump cancels on air normals.
  • Can be combo'd into and out of if done from 6P.
  • Lasts longer with lower health (~6.5 seconds to ~10.5 seconds).
  • During DI, tension increases at a rate of 0.1% per frame.


  • You can still get hit by something active during the end of its startup.
  • 5K loses its jump cancel.
  • Drains all of Sol's tension and cuts his tension pulse when it ends.
  • Ends if Sol is knocked down (This is actually preferable to ending by the time out).
  • Makes Sol close to Negative Penalty and being dizzied (does not apply if DI ends with Sol being knocked down).
  • DI cannot be used during DI.

Dragon Install 2nd


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
63+64 Total 127

Potentially the worst super in all of Guilty Gear. Significantly worse than regular Dragon Install since comes with added drawbacks.

  • Costs a full bar for over six times the startup with no invincibility.
  • Lasts the entire round, at the cost of draining your life until it hits 1 pixel.
  • Kills your tension gain.
  • Drains your health faster than you can deal damage.
  • The extremely obtuse input actually works in its favor to ensure that you won't get it by accident.
  • Awful. Don't even try.

Instant Kill

Napalm Death

During IK Mode: 236236H

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery On-Block Invuln
Fatal All 7+8 12 26 -19
Total: 52

Bottom 5 IK. Goodbye, Meter.

  • Short range and horribly unsafe. Whiffs on the entire cast crouching.
  • Will whiff against several characters in their stun animations (Sol, Axl, Jam, Kliff, Baiken, Zappa, Dizzy, HOS). Very rarely worth it.
  • Useful against ABA and Chipp, otherwise rarely used due to the aforementioned, and Sol's general lack of stun setups.


To select your color, press the corresponding button while in the designated "color set". Color sets can be toggled through by hitting the Respect button.

  1. Only selectable on the Arcade and PC-Rollback versions of the game.
  2. Available on home ports, and are selected by pressing the Rec. Enemy button on the Slash or Reload color sets, respectively. Gold characters are powered up versions, Shadow characters have infinite tension. Both are banned from tournament play.


To edit frame data, edit values in GGACR/Sol Badguy/Data.
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